Virtual reality using live scenes (not animation or CGI) enables the brain to respond in the VR environment similar to how it would in the real world.
Choose between a library of basic skills or work with a clinician to create lessons tailored to unique needs. Each lesson includes progress metrics to facilitate mastery.
NavigateVR price points make it an accessible therapy supplement that is tele-teaching ready.
You can either purchase a headset from us, use one of your own, or purchase yourself as long as it meets our criteria.
Once you are signed up with NavigateVR you will receive a digital key that will enable you to download simulations directly into your headset.
NavigateVR is easy to set up and use. Our Team is also available to walk you through and challenges you are facing with the product.
Our team is happy to work with individuals, families caregivers and organizations to discuss the simulations and your unique needs to ensure a perfect match.
If you are a home user, you are likely all set with just the VR Headset. If you plan to partner with a clinician, or if you are a clinician/organization and you want to create content, you will need a computer.